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6 juillet 2011

tampon in2stamp à gagner


Journée marathon aujourd'hui. Magasins, médecin, pharmacie ... remplir le frigo, finaliser le colis layette, récupérer ordonnance et medocs, et en plus aller chez orange pour régler nos soucis de téléphone et d'internet !!!! pfiouuuu c'était long, hein ma fille ?!  Ma gentille grande fille qui a supporté tout ça sans rien dire (enfin presque !!! mdrrr)

Bref, pô de créa aujourd'hui mais 1 info pour gagner des tampons In2stamp. Je n'en ai pas (du moins pô encore ^_^) et en gagner serait 1 bon début, ils sont trop mignons :).
Donc je disais 1 chance d'en gagner 1 ou plus, 14 nouveautés à venir ...






Hi everyone,

We received some great news from our manufacturer, it seems that instead of the end of this month we will be receiving our new releases by the end of next week!! You get the chance to buy our new stamps much sooner then expected. How great is that? This also means that we need to hurry to reveal all 14 brandnew stamps :-)

And just a reminder that theirs not much time left to participate with the very first sneak peek!

Isn't this such a cute cat? And so funny, this stamp sure will bring a smile on someone face when receiving a card made with this stamp. It's just perfect for a Birthday, or even a new born card would be great, or how about a funny way to say Thank You.

Would you like to make a chance of winning this stamp? And even better! You get the chance to play along 14 times with our giveaway, and make more chance of winning one stamp (or maybe even more) by participating.

So what do you need to do?
  1. Make a post (not in the sidebar) with the above banner on your personal blog and link back to our inspiration blog. Make sure when clicking on the banner that you get redirected here.
  2. Become a follower (if you haven't done so already)
  3. Leave your name and blog address (with a direct link to your post please) in Mister Linky.
Make sure you have all 3 things done to be eligible of making a chance for winning.
Mister Linky will stay open until July 15th, so you have one week to participate for this givaway.

Winner will be announced the first week of August.

Good luck to everyone and keep posted for more sneak peeks to come.

Make sure you scroll down to see all the wonderful cards made by the In2stamps DT members.



5 commentaires:

  1. bonne chance à toi ! tu vas faire de merveilles avec !

  2. Je ne joue pas, je colorise très mal, mais je sais que toi, tu en ferais bon usage, alors je croise les doigts pour toi, bonne chance Khalinne!!
    Bisous de Naphie

  3. Bonne chance et bon courage! Bises. Nadine

  4. tentatrice !!!
    bonne chance pour ce tirage au sort

  5. Les journées marathon sont là pour nous faire apprécier les journées plus calmes à créer ;-)
